Three measurable learning outcomes

title3        PRE-K                                      learningoutcomes

LEARNING  OUTCOMES: describe the measurable skills, abilities, knowledge, or values that students should be able to do or demonstrate as a result of a completing a program of study, a course, or lesson (Kubiszyn, & Borich.2013).



1.  Students will count using one to one correspondence.

2. Student will count different objects up to twenty.

3. Student will  count by five and tens.

After the teacher come up with their outcomes then they have to make test question that go along with their outcomes. These are just a few question that goes with my outcome.


1. Can you count how many block there are then pick up the number that you count?

2.  How many bears do you see?

3.  Can you count out loud by five?


Essay that supports my outcomes:

Count how many step it will take to cross the room them count how many step it will take to come back.



Kubiszyn, T. & Borich, G. (2013). Educational testing & measurement: Classroom application and practice (10th ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ.

My thought process and rationale behind the test items and essay item(s).


My thought process and rational behind the test and essay item(s).

Test items:

As our text state  “objective test items include items with the following formats: true–false, matching, multiple choice, and completion or short answer” (Kubiszyn & Borich. 2013). After reading you on how to give a test and come up with test items, I have learn a lot. When choosing test items you have to make sure it fit the level that you are teaching. I really don’t think give true/false test help a student because it don’t make them think hard. When make test item you have to make sure that you don’t use items that are gender and racial bias. “To avoid such bias, you should carefully balance your references in items. That is, always check your items to be sure that fairly equal numbers of references to males and females are made” (Kubiszyn & Borich. 2013).  You have to keep in mind that you have to test student on what they have learn because if you don’t you will make the student frustrated.  A test allow the teacher to see how much a student have learn throughout the year.

Essay item:

I work with Pre-K, I never had to give a Pre-K an essay before. When it comes to essay, I think student that need to answers a essay is student that are in grades fourth through twelfth grade. “An essay item is one for which the student supplies, rather than selects, the correct answer” (Kubiszyn & Borich. 2013). Unlike an test item it take you long to answers a essay. I think it better for a teacher to give an essay then a test because a essay make you think.


Kubiszyn, T. & Borich, G. (2013). Educational testing & measurement: Classroom application and practice (10th ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ.

Learning Outcomes

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Learning Outcomes

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